Josie Kunoth Petyarre (Josie Kunoth Mbitjana Pitjara) lives in the Utopia homelands in a small, very remote Aboriginal community called Apungalindum, 300km North East of Alice Springs. The roads in are rough and only accessible in the dry. It is remote in a way that is hard to comprehend. Josie, born in 1957 speaks Alyawerr, one of many languages from Utopia. She still lives in Utopia with her husband Dinny and 20 children, grandchildren and great grand children.

Josie’s mother, renowned artist Polly Ngale, sisters and aunties are all Utopia artists and the years spent watching them provided inspiration to her. Josie began producing art in the early-1980s as part of the Utopia Women’s Batik Group. She describes her art as a “Bush mix up”: the things she sees on her country - Bush Yams, wildflowers, native seeds and leaves. Using wild colours and unexpected forms, she produces works that reflects her life and personality.

Click here to shop the beautiful Josie Kunoth Petyarre x Moe Moe Collection